Monday, 12 September 2011

The Plastic Bag Pandemic: Step 3 - Recycling

There is only so much that one person can do to ensure that as many plastic bags are recycled as possible. By using re-usable bags you are taking the first huge step. The next is to ensure that all plastic bags you do end up with are recycled properly.

It is easy enough to toss them into their appropriate recycling bin, however this post is all about the more novel approaches that some individuals have taken, I hope you enjoy!

Add a crochet hook into the mix and all kinds of creative uses appear - everything from a 100% waterproof bathroom mat, to purses and totes!

By tearing or cutting the plastic bags into strips, you can effectively transform them into something that can be worked with. (The longer you can keep the strips without ending the nicer the result would be. If you could cut a plastic bag so that it was one single strip - so much the better!)

Though I doubt that anyone would wear clothes made out of plastic bags, (imagine how much they would make you sweat), these clothes were a created as a project for fashion students - they used a total of 3,000 bags.

I'd love to know what else people have created from plastic bags - though I doubt any could be cuter than this final discovery of mine!

weeble wobble owl


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