Friday, 6 January 2012

A Few Little Tidbits on Organic Farming

I think the problem that a lot of people have with organic farming is the fact that you are required to be a little innovative; you need to think outside the box to solve the problems that non-organic farmers just pour chemicals onto!

I can't imagine a better solution for attracting the 'good bugs' than planting flowers! I challenge you to find a non-organic farm that looks half as good as the one in the video. Not only is the land healthy and the food they are growing good for you; but they have created a place that is good for the soul as well.

I'm not being all hokey-pokey when I say that; beautiful surroundings like that would be naturally calming! Can't go wrong!

Watching this video made me realize that I haven't actually talked about genetically modified foods or the whole Monsanto issue yet. I have a feeling that might be one of my more popular topics this year!

While checking out all these videos I found this one on free-range snail farming; unfortunately not organic however it made me realize just how many different types of farms there must be! ... When someone mentions farming, snails aren't exactly the first thing to come to mind...

I know, so many topics in one little post, I may have gotten a little distracted this morning! Hope you don't mind!

See you Monday!

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