The product of the week should perhaps be Halloween themed, but I've just stumbled across this one, so I must share it with you!
This is a great idea, for families especially, though it would work for pretty much anyone.
I doubt I really need to go into detail about why reusable lunch containers are a good idea -- it fits into the 'reduce' category. Reduce the amount of waste that goes into a landfill, and reduce your expenses at the same time.

The ancient Japanese tradition of knotting, folding and twisting, dating back to the 17th century, is newly chic as the dangers of plastic to our health and the environment have become widely known.
Double-sided and machine washable, our cotton furoshiki (pronounced f-ROHSH-kee) wrap is sewn from colorful fair trade textiles hand printed by artisans using wooden blocks and wax batik techniques perfected over generations. Whether you are packing food at home, picking up take-out or just need a versatile bag, our wraps make it easy to say goodbye to plastic bags, vinyl totes and other leachy food containers.
Plastic-free, BPA-free and waste-free, our furoshiki wraps are yummy and yuck-free for people of all ages plus our planet. Measure 24 x 24 inches"
As an added bonus for you: "20% OFF Furoshiki ECOlunchwraps for all of your holiday gifts!
Use coupon code greenwrap20 at checkout, expires 11/30/2011."
This company also sells a variety of reusable lunch containers, eco-friendly utensils and several other styles of lunch kits.

Visit their website:
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